04/01/06 Basic Instinct 2

watched w/ Leslie; theater (Crossroads 20 Cinema, Cary, NC); suggested by Jenny
This riveting and gritty sexual thriller was both fascinating in scope and luscious in skin on skin shenanigans. April Fool's! This cheese-fest would make any Wisconsinite froth at the mouth for some cheddar curds. Begrudgingly, I went to this film in support of not the opening weekend box office, but that of a certain individual who is the sister of my love and suggested to partake in the Over 40 Nudity Revolution. OK, the first film was nothing more than a weak attempt at soft-core pulp with an edge (that edge being Sharon Stone's infamous crotch shot). This is...well, just a bad idea for a sequel of some soft-core pulp with no edge (the lack of edge being Stone's obviously siliconized assets). I'm sorry for those that wanted this to be just a fun romp in the erotic thriller genre, spiced with the exotic locales of London. This is simply a bad movie, lacking of the orginal's steamier segments (I guess I could wait for this one to come out on DVD unrated as well). It takes too long to introduce the sex or the intrigue. Also, once suspected of again being a mysterious murderer, why is Stone's character never researched of her past affairs in America (i.e. Basic Instinct Uno)? Why, because the only thing more inept than a washed up easily-manipulated American detective, is an overly inept stiff-as-a-board easily-manipulated British psychologist. Even the British police are idiots...however, I do have to admit, the only funny parts were delivered by solid Brit actor David Thewlis as the detective. The similarities of plot of both films are probably intentional, but just get redundant (ice picks, bi-sexual exes, what does she have hiding under the bed?). And are we supposed to believe that Stone is this hip at all? She goes from the worst rave dancing ever in the first film, to the "Fast & The Furious" stunt driving. I can't wait for "Basic Instinct 3." Maybe we can get a senior discount for seeing senior citizen nudity. Sorry Jenny, but if you add this star to the original's two, that's the three stars you were looking for.
1 out of 5 stars
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