04/14/06 The Ice Harvest

watched solo; DVD rental (Record Exchange) @ home
Nice. A nice dark, brooding tale of thievery and corruption set amongst a wintry mix of yuletide cheery movies that pack the theaters around the holidays. This film is labeled as a dark comedy, and boy is it. Starting off very slowly and depressingly, the story gradually builds steam with its pessimistic people and anti-spirit of the season. Starring John Cusack as a sleazy local lawyer, and Billy Bob Thornton as a sleazy strip-club owner in small town Wichita, Kansas. Occuring around the Christmas holiday, and amidst a terrible ice storm that ravages the town, the wicked plot is hatched by the two men in a way to steal a bunch of money from the mob-connected boss of Cusack. Not very adept at stealing a bunch of money, or being too good at anything that life has offered them so far, the two men spiral down a dark road of deceit, murder and depression. With the comic relief of best friend Oliver Platt (who has married Cusack's ex-wife, to add to the complexities of the twisted plot), and the sultry seduction of film noir-esque siren Connie Nielsen; the film is great pulp and comic mystery thriller all rolled into one. I was thoroughly impressed with not only the dark characterizations of the Thornton (not much of a stretch) and Cusack roles, but also of usually goofy (and self-admitted big-budget comedy) director Harold Ramis. I mean, the guy's a genius for such off-the-wall classics as "Caddyshack" and "Ghostbusters", but did anyone see this one coming?! Also, to watch the extra features on the DVD as they delve into this gloomy story coming to life from the novel to screen was interesting. This "naughty" Christmas film was great, and far superior to the just plain crude & unfunny Thornton predecessor "Bad Santa." "As Wichita falls, so falls Wichita Falls." Geographically incorrect, but witty nonetheless.
4 out of 5 stars
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