07/24/06 Imagine Me & You

watched w/ Leslie; DVD rental (Blockbuster) @ home
Losing in a battle of "put-the-DVD's-behind-your-back-and-choose-at-random-while-standing-in-the-aisles-of-the-video-store" was the basis for this gem to be our film of the day. I can fault nobody but myself on this one, seeing as Leslie had "The Importance Of Being Earnest" picked out...which would have been better I'm sure. I thought, heck, let's stick with an offbeat romantic comedy trip and see what ensues when couples make strange bedfellows. This is the reason why you shouldn't marry silly capricious British girls (or American actresses who impersonate them either...Piper Perabo) who fancy dabbling in sexual ambiguity or marrying for the sake of having a drinking buddy. I'm not trying to knock the fact that some people may just be uncertain (or unwilling) to face facts in their sexual lives, by refusing to come out of the closet or explore more...whatever. That's a conversation that could go on for hours...somewhat like having to watch this silly little film. It's just annoying to watch these life uncertainties unfold with detrimental effects to all parties involved...with the whimsical flair the British have for romantic comedies. Yuck. OK, fancy this...Rachel marries longtime pal Heck (yeah, the guy's name is a mild profanity), but befriends and eventually falls for florist Luce (yeah, she's a chick) who is being courted rather crudely by Heck's womanizing buddy Cooper. Got all that? Rachel tortures Heck with marital apathy, while pining over the fantasies of being with Luce. The sexual tensions boil over one day in the back of Luce's floral shop, when the arrival of her hubby flusters the encounter...leaving Rachel with a deep sense of guilt. She wants to tell the truth, but she's a bloody liar...Heck is a pushover, and wants her to be happy. Luce & Cooper really show no feelings for others when it comes down to it. Feelings get hurt, people feel sad, nobody gets laid...it's trite. I did find it interesting that this film venture was helmed by newcomer Ol Parker, who is the husband of one nubile British actress Thandie Newton (of "Crash" and MI:2" fame). Parker better watch his sweet hetero back, or Thandie may be stepping out on him with Piper Perabo. Life imitating art much? I guess this rant is what I get for having picked the wrong "DVD-behind-the-back." Better luck next time.
2 out of 5 stars
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