09/29/06 Snakes On A Plane

watched w/ Leslie, Mike A., Janine, Z, Eric, Ryan T., Alex, Matt M., Dave ? & others; theater (Blue Ridge Cinema, Raleigh, NC)
The one you have been waiting for all year long. The one that has had Samuel L. Jackson fans eagerly awaiting his awe-inspiring screen presence for one more glorious bad-ass ride. The one that has had millions upon billions buzzing about it worldwide through some of the most clever and unabashed marketing campaigns ever (www.snakesonaplane.com). The one that was going to have you either rolling in the aisles with laughter, or wincing in fear under the protection of the closest shoulder/arm to hide beneath in the movie theater. The one that promises to have tons of sequels/copiers/posers to its coolness. The one that gives certain serpents the coolest logo usage since the dawning of the Rx prescription one (snakes intertwined around an airplane). The one that wins for the best movie title ever...based solely on mere beautiful simplicity. Yes, it has arrived (to the dollar theater...because there ain't no way in hell that you'd want to see it any other way)..."Snakes On A (insert expletive here) Plane." Do you really need to know what the plot is about, when it lays it out for you so effortlessly as it does in every poster, teaser and webpage in America?! I mean, my best friend Jason managed to work into his prank-phone call repertoire one that enlisted the help of Samuel L. Jackson and the advent of modern technologies such as the internet. Using the movie's homepage, he put some of my personal info down on a call list that had a pre-recorded message of Jackson cursing at me to stop what I was doing with my life in order to run out and see this movie...taking my friend along with me for the ride. As blatant as a prank call that was, and as shameless of a promotion as it was for the filmmakers...it caught on and worked tremendously! In the vein of such cult classics/viewing experiences as say a "Rocky Horror Picture Show," going to the theater to see this tongue-in-cheek thriller was just that...an experience! You knew what schlock you were in for, you paid a dollar to see it, and you enjoyed the hell out of it! We went with a large crowd to see this, and that made for all the more fun! It's planes set loose on an airliner full of people, full of criminals & detectives, full of rap stars and models, full of annoying children, full of mile-high club wanna-be's, full of suspense, action and mayhem...and did I mention full of highly venomous snakes! As stated by Jackson's bad-ass personified street-smart detective Flynn, the plot is one centered on a terrorist scheme that most would have never thought of to be ready for...and you can tell very quickly that the security is anything but ready for it. Sure there are millions of completely obvious oversight in plot and reality...but that's where the fun comes in. I've heard rumors that the film crew spent tons of time on just additional shoots & footage of snakes attacking people (and biting various naughty body parts) and Jackson attacking with his razor-sharp tongue one-liners (an expletive induced mofo line that will live in infamy)...just for more laughs! It all worked brilliantly! I'm sold, perhaps on never flying again, but definitely on watching this one over & over again...just to find all those little nuances that over time hold more appreciation in cinematic lore. I can't describe this film any further without getting choked up & emotional...a bit misty eyed if you will. Snakes are not just on a plane here...but they've found a way into this cold heart.
4 out of 5 stars
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