10/28/06 Over The Top

watched w/ Leslie; DVD rental (Netflix) @ home; suggested by Mike A.
How can you go wrong with this thought process? First, cast the stoic heroic likes of blockbuster star Sly Stallone (fresh off some "Rocky IV," right before some "Tango & Cash," and bookended by some high-caliber "Rambo II & III") as a down on his luck trucker (a bad ass trucker I might add). Second, make him vulnerable by showing his dark side, abandoning his wife & kid some years before only wanting to make things right now later in life. Third, name him after something like a cross between a 50's gumshoe and a 80's pro-wrestler...Lincoln Hawk. And finally, oh I don't know, make him good at something other than trucking and leaving his family...how about knitting? No, too dainty. Taxidermy, no too morbid. I got it, arm wrestling! Yes, that's box-office gold! Why didn't we think of it before we cast him as a boxer, or a Vietnam vet, or a hard-nosed cop, or an Italian Stallio?! Regardless of whether this film was to be destined to be on countless bargain-priced shelves in the video store or numerous hours on the "USA Network" or "MST3K", you have to appreciate the sheer 80's cheese that is this wonderfully different film. As Leslie & I will be going to a Halloween costume party this evening, and seeing the suggested source of watching this film, Mike A., it's all I can do to thank him for recommending it...and all I can do to apologize for not having dressed up like Lincoln Hawk this evening (instead I'm a Cancerian crab with potholders for hands...it's complicated). I digress, but so does the movie, does it matter? Upon hearing about his ex-wife's death, Lincoln tries to rekindle the relationship with his long-lost son. This doesn't sit well with the father-in-law who wants nothing to do with him, and the son who is none too happy to see the untimely return of his father. Not one for being a softy in such sappy reunions, Lincoln (or is it Sly in reality?) takes the tough love approach in teaching his son the ways of life, the road, his own personal regrets & wrongs, and finally arm wrestling. Yes, it is in fact not time that heals all wounds, but rather arm wrestling. That is unless the wound is a broken ulna from said arm wrestling, than that's just irony.In any case, Lincoln and son find a way to bond through it all, lessons are learned, and yes you do get to see some on-screen arm breaking in the hugely anticipated arm wrestling tournament in Vegas. Yeah, the money shot. And what can compliment this cheese-tastic movie more than the horrendously synthesized musical score soundtrack (just throw in "Eye Of The Tiger" and be done with it!) and the Fabio-esque cover art (is that an eagle perched behind Sly?). The 1980's for better or for worse, 'til death do us part. Now, I'm off to practice some of my new found skills (shhh, don't tell anyone, or the secret will be out & my chances in Vegas shot) on some unsuspecting drunkards at the party...although it will help that I have potholder crab hands to my advantage (unless I need to hold my beer).
3 out of 5 stars
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