02/13/06 When Harry Met Sally...

watched w/ Leslie; DVD rental (North American Video) @ home
Completely not intending to watch two Rob Reiner films in the same week, stuff happens. Romantic comedies seep into the cynical culture that is Brad every so often. Lately, they've kind of multiplied like Gremlins. Anyway, this one has become quite a modern classic. I have to admit, that I did find this one amusing. In that cynical sort of way that Billy Crystal's character tends to look at love. Everyone probably knows the plot by now, but it does follow the comings & goings & run-ins of one Harry and one Sally along a decade long period. They hate each other, they like each other, they love each other, they lose each other, they gain each other. What did I leave out? Oh yes, and Meg Ryan's famous pseudo-orgasm scene in the diner. Reiner & Ephron at least keep the dialogue witty as they try to define the complex definition of "friendship" between the opposite sexes. While a funny film, watching this one with a significant other will only lead to lots of explorative "test questions" that you hope to pass with flying colors, while there's really no right/wrong answers. Hey but the old couples' testimonies bring it back down to cute & cuddly.
4 out of 5 stars
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