02/07/06 Havoc

watched w/ Leslie (partially); DVD rental (Record Exchange) @ home
So, ever seen Princess Diaries? It's about as Disney (real actors) as you can get. Remember the goody-two-shoes princess Anne Hathaway in those same movies? Yeah, well she shatters any pre-conceived notion you had of her before this movie. Not only does she & her friends pretty much bare all, they go to disturbing lengths to get away from their humdrum spoiled bored rich-kid lives. Spare me the drama. This is nothing but a bunch of glorified O.C. whining brats that think they have street cred by listening to rap music, then venture into the "downtown" world of pimps & pushers. They fall into it with a few Latino gang members, and we are supposed to believe that they can just waltz their way into this completely different lifestyle without much effort. These girls go to extreme lengths to be "cool," dabbling in drugs, sex & rock 'n' roll (actually, more hip-hop). They pay an ultimate price for ruining not only their own lives, but the gang members' lives as well. And everything is supposed to be hunky-dory in the end. Their suicidal tendencies could have saved us the trouble here of waiting through this crap to hope they see the light. Cheers to former Disney princesses showing T & A. I hear Cinderella's doing a Maxim spread next month.
2 out of 5 stars
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