02/02/06 Dreams

watched w/ Leslie (partially); DVD (personal copy) @ home
Taking my lady's advice on the "foreign" film to watch this evening, we chose this late Kurosawa film. Again, an amazing director that I've seen few full length features of...mostly clips & parts. This statement I believe to be apropos, seeing as though this movie was a matter of segmented dream sequences. Really imaginative and surreal sequences at that. I particularly liked the Van Gogh chapter (hard to recognize, but that's Scorsese as the one-eared painter), where the main character dreamily meanders through some of Van Gogh's most famous works. Also, the Smurf-faced dead army platoon refusing to believe they died was poignant. Some odd stuff for sure, but touches on some heavy subjects like war, nuclear power, and the destruction of nature.
4 out of 5 stars
At 4:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Who are your "ladies"?!
At 4:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
miss leslie...
Please check the actual grammar of the paragraph, and you shall notice that there is an apostrophe at the end of the "s" in ladies. Therefore, I am making clear reference to simply you my dear. Thank you, that is all.
At 2:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
miss leslie...
I whole-heartedly apologize for being horrible at noticing my own grammatical errors, as well as taunting others who I believed to be wrong about pointing out said errors, whilst they remained innocent of the charges all along, and I the stupid protagonist. There's a run-on sentence for you too. I see now the error of my ways, and it is indeed a singular "lady" that I spoke of, which in contracted form would have been "lady's." My sincerest apology, and love.
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