03/01/06 Munich

watched solo; theater (Crossroads 20 Cinema, Cary, NC)
Based on the tragic true events of the now infamous 1972 Olympics in Munich, this film delves into the deeper war waged between the Israelis and Palestinians. While the actual terrorist event of the Israeli athletes' being taken hostage & eventually killed is the reason for the film, it serves more as a catalyst to follow the Israeli retaliation to it. Eric Bana is good as the leader of an elite Mossad task force sent out to eliminate the architects of the Black September terrorist sect. The story follows the hitmen throughout the world hunting the men down, all the while being hunted themselves. The battle goes deep into the moral psyche of the men, as violence begets more violence, and leaves a lasting toll on their consciences. It also tries to show how very corrupt both governments and separatist agencies can be.Although given the Hollywood slant by its poster boy Spielberg, it is amazing to see how he can tackle such gripping subject matter of pivotal historic events/themes, and make them into a remarkable film.
5 out of 5 stars
At 2:40 PM,
Undead Film Critic said…
03/02/06 Gimme an 'F'
Gimme an 'F' (1984), directed by Paul Justman
watched solo; VHS(forced upon personal copy)@ Home
This "film" has been left in my possession for several months now. Given to me by Leslie, it has become a burden and has led to a strain in our friendship. Every time I see her or talk to her on the phone or through e-mail, this "film" comes up. At first I thought it was funny to avoid watching it just to aggravate her a little (as I do) just to get a rise out of her. But as time passed, the novelty of that wore thin. So tonight I watched it. God help me I sat through all 100 minutes. And the only reason I did, is because a friend asked me to. And I don't think she asked because she thought I would like it either. I compare it to eating or drinking something foul & immediately, without thought you offer it to a friend. "This tastes like shit! Try it."
Taking place at Camp Beaver View, complete with Beaverteria mind you, this year's group of cheerleader hopefuls arrive like "The Warriors." Each squad has a lame, yet unique theme. The Demons, The Lucky Ducks, The Black Chicks, etc. My favorite school has to be The Fudge High Falcons. On a side note, I recently read about the serious overcrowding issue Fudge High is having. Apparently the classrooms at Fudge High are packed tight.
So the girls arrive to a hysterical Mrs. Lipshits because the staff/coaches are not there yet, having passed out at the Best Western. But soon the headmaster Bucky "Dr. Spirit" Berkshire arrives with his 80's stereotypical group of Japanese businessmen looking to invest in Beaver...view.
And seriously, I never have a seen such a horrible cliché driven into the ground. Every time these business men show up they are introduced by a loud Gong, for no reason. And yes they all have cameras with them. Eventually Wonderboy Tommy Hamilton & the gang show up and perform a scene from "Rent" to get the girls all moist and ready for 6 great days of rah rah retarded fun. Speaking of Hamilton's crew, I could have sworn that the black girl is one of the Wayans sisters. So the Lucky Ducks are the ugly ducks of the camp (go figure) and can't walk a straight line let alone cheer. But there is one hot girl in the group so the director follows her for the rest of the movie. She befriends one of the Demons who breaks her out of her cabin one night to go into town. They all go to The Toad Bar which I guess is supposed to be a male strip club, because up on stage is a guy who is so upset that Morrissey cancelled his latest tour, he just has to DANCE! A fight breaks out when no one can agree on whether their Flashdance sweatshirt should hang off the left or right shoulder and Tommy comes in to sweep our heroine away from it all. He takes her back to camp, throws her in a pool and commits statutory rape. Soon after that, the film decides it wants to be "My Fair Lady" and Tommy and Dr. Spirit make a bet. If the Ducks win the big competition then Tommy gets 10K, but if The Fudge High Falcons win he has to wear those tights for another 5 years. About this time is the scene that put "Gimme an F" on the map. It is known as the gayest scene in movie history. Basically it's a reverse "Porkys." All the girls watch Tommy audition for the movie "Breakin" in his tighty whiteys in the shower, while the Demons and our lead watch. Sadly he can not compare to the skill and finesse of Boogaloo Shrimp or Shabba-Doo and loses the audition. This scene should not be watched by the elderly, pregnant women, those with heart conditions &/or pace makers and the living. Somewhere in here one character dresses up like Toecutter or Ironbar from the Mad Max films in order to seduce a girl.
For a 80's cheerleader movie you have to wait way over an hour before you see any T & A, and it just isn't worth it. Eventually(not soon enough) the big day comes and blah blah blah The Ducks win, Tommy wins, I lose.
There. I watched it. Now let us never speak of it again. You're a dear friend and I respect you, but seriously, this "film" sucked. It's not the worst thing I've ever seen, but it's in my top 3. To quote the movie, "My brain feels like a day old turd"
0 out of 5 stars
At 10:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
If this movie is in your bottom 3 list, then I suggest you try watching "Dear God", "Khrustalev, my car!", or "Honky Tonk Freeway" and then reevaluate what it means to be a horrible movie.
Jason, just by reading your description of Gimme an F, I could tell that you enjoyed some of the cheesiness of the movie (which I recall you asked to borrow). You are now part of an elite group of people who have watched this movie, with them you share a bond that one who has not seen "Gimme an F" will not and can not understand. When you meet your brethren in dark alleys and down twisted streets, you will know each other by a glint, something special in their eye. One day perhaps long after you become friends with this person it will be revealed, perhaps through some sly reference to Dr. Spirit, what has connected you all along. And that moment will be priceless, certainly worth at least one star.
At 7:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
I really have to say I though this movie sucked. Ok, content alone, this should be a good movie. But lets break the script down and look at the plot. A simple guy gets into a tough situation (aka killing these supposed terrorist). But he starts questioning himself half way throught the movie. Which leaves us for the rest of this long movie watching them re-itterate, is killing people bad and when will we be killed. And then it all ends with, "no I won't break bread with you." What the fuck, can't people make shorter movies with great content or is their a rule, no you will not get an oscar if your movie is under two hours.
At 9:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wow, good luck with the challege. I have the free time to watch a movie too everyday but I don't think I would be that dedicated.
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