02/23/06 The Constant Gardener

watched w/ Leslie (partially); DVD rental (Netflix) @ home
Often I have a hard time believing that overly proper British people can slide so gracefully in & out of some Third World country, surrounded by a culture they're unaccustomed to, and they prevail some sort of martyr/hero. Seeing that I have never travelled to any Third World, and I am not proper enough to claim Britain-ship, I only have movies and media to enlighten me for now. OK, back to the movie itself. Getting off my erratic soapbox, this film is a well done political thriller in every sense. Directed passionately by Meirelles, the director of another powerful film "City Of God," it tackles subject matter that even in a real world setting eludes most people in the Western world. This tale follows a British diplomat hunting for the truth in a global conspiracy, where his activist wife uncovers information that she is ultimately killed for. Avenging both his wife, and the rights she stood for, the diplomat must expose the truth. That harsh truth is that drug companies are in cahoots with African politicians, in order to test their unstable products on sick & unsuspecting people as human guinea pigs. Obviously this film is not for the faint of heart, but should appeal to those who in some way want an eye-opening experience into how other parts of the world may run. The overhead sweeping shots of the native landscape are breathtaking, as well as extremely sad in some cases. I know it's just a movie, but it represents a world that is often real...and it should make you thankful for the life you have.
4 out of 5 stars
At 10:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
I must disagree with Brad on this movie. I didn't watch the whole thing but I did see the first twenty minutes and then a few sporadic pieces after that. What I didn't like about the movie:
1) Voldemort's wife goes to Africa and is given a present (for no apparent reason--because she's white?) from a small African child who she then kisses on both cheeks I think only to show the contrast between her very fair complexion and his dark complexion.
2) Apparently the only way she(Voldemort's wife) can gain any information is to promise sex to a man. We see this twice (perhaps more but I wasn't really watching) in the movie the 1st time when she wants to go to Africa w/ V she offers to marry him (implied etc). The 2nd when she wants to find out how the sick impoverished Africans are being exploited, she again barters with her body. Does this mean the only personal power that a woman has is her body?
3)Voldemort finds out that his wife is killed and tries to discover what she knew; perhaps because he as a white man (and the dark lord) will be able to fix the problem unlike his Mrs.
4)Dumb. Apparently Harrison Ford was not available for the part or unable to fake a British accent.
At 1:46 PM,
Undead Film Critic said…
Leslie do you ever finish a movie? Or at least a movie that was made after 1993.
At 12:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
As you will soon see Jason, I've watched 2 full length movies this weekend (with current Oscar nominations). But in general, I have been blessed with the special ability to tell that I won't like a movie before viewing the whole thing.
Watch Gimme an F already
At 12:56 PM,
Undead Film Critic said…
I too have the special ability to tell that I won't like a movie before viewing the whole thing & my powers extend further. So advanced am I that I can tell a movie will suck just by the title alone.
This is why I have yet to watch "Gimme an F". However I promise I will watch it, the next time I get constipated and can't not afford a strong laxative.
At 10:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well that better be before Sunday night.
At 4:19 PM,
Undead Film Critic said…
Having recently watched this movie, I would like to respond to leslie's comments.
1) IF, you had watched the movie in its entirety you would have seen that the gift was a gesture of kindness from a little boy who was thankful that someone (black or white) had taken the time out of their own life to try and help those that are dying and less fortunate.
2)IF, you had finished the movie you would have seen that Voldemort's wife had deep feeling of love for her husband, however was a woman of strong will and convictions and in no way was going to conform to the demure status that popular culture has dictated to her, especially for a "proper english woman"
& IF you had watched the movie a little longer you would have seen, in her own words, how much of a creep she thought Voldermont's co-worker/friend was. How she was disgusted at the way she had to use herself as leverage to get what she wanted. She used her brain just as much as her body to manipulate and control an admittedly selfish and disgusting male.
3)Voldermont tries to find out what his wife knew not only to find closure to her sudden death, but to better understand the independent woman that he loved. And she would have succeed if not for the men she was frighting with her cunning investigation, that would have exposed them as murderers.
4)Harrison Ford hasn't made a good movie since Air Force One and that was a popcorn flick. Hell, his latest Firewall has made a total of $18.56 and has been in theaters for weeks.
Not trying to pick a fight here either. I liked the movie, but not as much as Brad. I just think that it's one thing to dislike a movie you have never seen. Hell, I do it all the time. However I think that it is unfair to judge a movie you have only seen bits and pieces of. Sometimes you have to see the whole picture to fully grasp what its message might be.
I actually found this movie a little hard to watch. the documentary handheld camera work made certain scenes seem all to real. Some scenes make you feel so lucky for everything you have. While others make you feel like you aren't doing nearly enough to help your fellow man/woman.
At 11:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
Looking up the movies that Harrison Ford has made after Air Force 1 (which I viewed in its entirety and disliked), I don't doubt that they all sucked.
I do doubt that you have seen them all. That said if we can look at Harrison Ford's career in segments, he could well be my favorite actor. If however, like John Cusack, we must view his whole film career we see how he repeatedly makes poor choices, the same poor choices. Although Harrison Ford is not making the nauseating romantic comedies that Cusack continues to make, he seems to enjoy playing the role of the man who was pushed too far. When I made my jab that apparently H.F. was not available for the role, I did not mean it in at all a complementary way.
And you are trying to pick a fight, but it won't work.
At 2:13 PM,
Undead Film Critic said…
Six Days Seven Nights - I think Ivan Reitman was trying to make a comedy. I'm not really sure. I do know that this movie was predictable and kinda dull. Harrison Ford running around with Anne Heche, Anne Heche running around trying to figure out if she should order the Tuna or a Hotdog for lunch, and me running for the exit door.
Random Hearts - Again we have a good director (Sydney Pollack) but the movie had very little impact. All I really remember is Harrison stalking Kristin Scott Thomas because their cheating spouses died in a plane crash. Sounds like good karma to me.
What Lies Beneath - Robert Zemeckis takes a turn trying to imitate Hitchcock and pulls it off until the last 20 minutes of the film.
K-19: The Widowmaker - This movie succeeds thanks to its director Kathryn Bigelow. In my opinion the best female director living or dead. The Loveless and Near Dark are fantastic. Harrison's fake russian accent is hilarious.
Hollywood Homicide - YOU GOT ME. I have never seen this and I pray each night that I will never have to.
Firewall - I'll wait for the DVD, then I'll bother to avoid it.
Still, I love me some Indiana Jones!!! Harrison can do what ever he wants. Just don't take away my Indy.
At 12:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
He might besmirch even that with Indiana Jones 4 which is in pre-production. Who knows maybe it will be good--perhaps judging on how much HF has aged it will take place in the 70s and he'll explore parts of Vietnam for hidden treasure or perhaps he'll track Nazis in South America.
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