Brad's Movie Challenge

Starting 01/01/06, Brad is going to watch one movie, everyday, for 365 days. This site will serve to document all rules & exclusions of the "Challenge" as well as keeping track of Brad's progress.


02/19/06 Zombie Honeymoon

Zombie Honeymoon (2004), directed by David Gebroe

watched solo; theater (Carolina Theatre, Durham, NC); Nevermore Film Festival

I figured I would go on a film festival doubleheader today. Well, I'm glad I went for a 2nd one later in the day, because this one was pathetic. Not quite worth the price of admission, nor worthy of even being on the great Nevermore gothic/horror festival's schedule in my opinion. However, here's the scoop. I am a fan of zombie flicks, maybe just a bit too spoiled in the aristocratic etiquette of said zombie flicks. They need to either be straight-up gory fun-fests, or psychologically mind-freaks that test the will of survival. This is sadly neither. Extremely low budget (I think this was filmed on someone's cellphone while they were stoned), it consists of two newlyweds who spend their honeymoon in a fancy shore house. The guy gets infected by a dead sea-dude (with no help from his beautiful wife), becomes a flesh-eater, is exposed to his wife for what he is, she chooses to stay by his side as the vows state, and he proceeds to eat all their friends (not to spoil it for you, but if you watch it anyway, the film itself spoils the fun for you). Gore, yes. Intelligent, no. If your S.O. is a zombie, run. 'Nuff said.

1 out of 5 stars


  • At 9:40 AM, Blogger Undead Film Critic said…

    Where do I begin?

    George Romero created the modern zombie genre with "Night Of The Living Dead." Every movie since has copied his basic rules of the undead with some minor variations. The "Dawn Of The Dead" remake had zombies who could run instead of slowly dragging their feet around, for example.

    However you never break rule #1. If you destroy the zombies brain, the zombie dies. You can hit it over the head with an axe. You can stab him in the face with a #2 pencil. Hell you can set them on fire until the head burns up. Brain dead = Dead zombie.

    So in "Honeymoon" when the main character/zombie gets shot in the head right between the eyes & keeps on going, I was furious. What a joke. It's as if the makers of this flick had never seen another zombie film.

    And what is wrong with this couple. They drive straight from their wedding to a house on the beach for their honeymoon. As soon as they get their the new bride asks her man what he wants to do first and he says "go to the beach." Wha? I went to the beach on my honeymoon...I think. I never saw a beach or the ocean for that matter, cause it was my honeymoon!

    And what's with Nevermore (who usually rock) showing this crap. I love how they call there showing this film on 02/19/06 the North Carolina Premiere! When this turd was released on DVD 02/14/06. Technically the North Carolina Premiere was at my house, cause I'm sure I was the only film fanatic that got suckered into watching this crap.

    less than 1 star. Follow the rules dammit.

  • At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I also love zombie movies and one might wonder why Brad watched this one solo--give me a break already I'm in grad school. Yet this wasn't the real reason; the real reason is a night or two before this movie I had a zombie dream...

    It began as if I was watching a zombie movie: dark streets, wet from a recent rain, and zombies doing the zombie hobble. Suddenly I was there and there was the Hill to Hill Bridge in B-town, deserted naturally. Someone was by my side and we watched the zombies who were 100 feet away come closer. That person wanted to run, but I said, "No, let's wait until they get closer, so we don't exert ourselves." Of course, after waiting the zombies are closer than we think and after being surrounded in the middle of the bridge I know we are doomed even as I wake myself from the NIGHTMARE.

    The ironic thing is that I am the very same who penned (the new classic) "When Zombies Come It Is Time To Run". Certainly I didn't title it: "When Zombies Come It Is Time To Ponder Your Current Level of Physical Fitness." Geez.



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