02/16/06 Cherry 2000

watched w/ Leslie; DVD rental (Netflix) @ home
Ever wanted a post-apocalyptic world in the desert that has reverted back to outlaws ruling, and robotic beauties that will do all your bidding in some Stepford-style complacency? Well, here's your chance! Just sign up for your own wonderful sex-bot kitten that will do your bidding, until you fool around in water, causing a short-circuit, sending you on some hair-brained joyride through the desert wasteland to find a replacement prototype, enlisting the help of a redhead Melanie Griffith in her worst Mad Max rendition, only to encounter crazy B-movie actors who play wanna-be psychopaths, thwart your dastardly plan, and find out that the whole trip was for naught & you loved the she-Mad Max all along! There's a run-on sentence for a run-on movie. It's sad, this could have been cult, and turned out so crap. It took the beautiful Nevada landscape and made it look stupid. Good job. Vegas bright lights would have been better.
2 out of 5 stars
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