Brad's Movie Challenge

Starting 01/01/06, Brad is going to watch one movie, everyday, for 365 days. This site will serve to document all rules & exclusions of the "Challenge" as well as keeping track of Brad's progress.


02/20/06 Capote

Capote (2005), directed by Bennett Miller

watched solo; theater (Galaxy Cinema, Cary, NC)

Again, another biopic that delves deep into the tragic implications of a certain American icon. However, this one is spun on its ear a bit. Truman Capote became a very popular author in 1950's America, for such books as Breakfast At Tiffany's. He was a complex and interesting person. He had a hard childhood, was a well-known homosexual in an era that was never very tolerant of anything non-uptight conservative, and seemed to immerse himself in his own work so much that it lead to his eventual undoing in drugs and drinking. The film revolves around Capote's infamous undertaking of publishing a novel (In Cold Blood) based upon a true-life multiple murder scene in the quiet Kansas country. Capote proceeds to not only research everything revolving around the crime scence, victim's families & community, but most disturbingly into the minds and friendships of the two accused murderers. While remaining an aloof protagonist in the film, the author also displays the constant inner-struggle with his thoughts & emotions; his occupation & acquaintances. Hoffman does a marvelous job as the eccentric Capote.

4 out of 5 stars


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