03/13/06 Domino

watched w/ Leslie; DVD rental (Netflix) @ home
To think that this story is based on truth is completely crazy. Seriously, truth is stranger than fiction. Based on the life of one Domino Harvey, born into wealth from famous actor father Laurence Harvey and model Pauline Stone, the young hellion decides to leave the pretentiousness of Beverly Hills behind...to become a bounty hunter. That's right. A bad-ass bounty hunter, swimming with the drug dealers and hardened criminals of the world. She latches onto the crew of leader Ed (played great by the gnarly-faced Mickey Rourke) and love-interest Choco. They begin a whirlwind life of taking out the bad guys, while blurring the lines of right/wrong. The beautifully dangerous Domino uses her wile and seduction to become a natural at the hunting game. It's a truly incredible story of leaving one world behind to pursue a completely different one altogether. Tony Scott does a great job of directing here, in similar fashion to his better masterpiece "True Romance," all the way through with a violent crescendo leading up to a mirror-image of the bloodbath massacre final scenes. I must steal a quote from my good friend Jason here in claiming that the kinetic pace was a bit too much "MTV-style editing that gave me a headache." However, if you take a few aspirin and a shot of whiskey (just kidding, don't mix 'em) this is fun ride of a film. The special features on the disc show lots of cool info on Domino with some of the last footage ever of her before her untimely death in 2005.
4 out of 5 stars
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