04/16/06 Critters 2: The Main Course

watched w/ Jason; DVD rental (Netflix) @ Jason & Sabrina's house (Pinehurst, NC)
OK, you have to take this post with a grain of salt...or perhaps a ground up Peeps marshmallow treat. Considering that the last thing I wanted to do on Easter Sunday was to sit down and watch this idiotic premise of a movie, when I could be watching a parade of some sort, or organizing my easter eggs by assorted colors & sizes. No, the poll results overwhelmingly (recount anyone?) had "Critters" winning, so I thought someone had to lose (me). I have to admit, that with all the pent up animosity, I actually enjoyed the campy nature of this ridiculous flick. C'mon, it's outerspace aliens that come in the form of a rolled up porcupine w/ 3 rows of alligator teeth, land somehow in small town Kansas, wreak havoc on the village and it's all up to a 15 year-old punk to save the day?! You may also be wondering what the heck any of this has to do with Easter, and you may be shocked, but it does relate. See, the unhatched eggs are mistaken for Easter eggs by the local dingbat grandma, painted, and hidden amongst the church gardens. Uh-oh. They hatch, and attack the first thing in site (local sheriff dressed up as Easter Bunny), and as he tries to escape his imminent death he crashes full-on through the stained glass church windows ruining Easter service. That wacky scene is followed up by (but not in chronological order) man eating dog food, no-faced alien morphing into topless Playboy centerfold (staple in crease of magazine included), blowing up hamburger factory, and tons of fuzzballs rolling in packs across the town like hairy tumbleweed. This is complete crap, and that's ok. After all the sugar rushes you will no doubt be crashing from earlier in the day, it's nice to finish it off with some cheese. I hope there's another sequel...I like cheese.
3 out of 5 stars
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