05/13/06 Layer Cake

watched w/ Leslie (partially); DVD rental (Netflix) @ home
Ahhh, back at home and better yet, back to watching quality movies. I love this one! Granted, I could have seen that review coming just by watching the movie's previews or the style with which it exuded cocky swagger. It's another in a trend of hipster/gangster British flicks that welcomed a resurgence with Ritchie's "Lock, Stock And Two Smoking Barrels." Yet, this one remains fresh and smart, as well as full of action, betrayal and sensuality. Daniel Craig (he'll make a great James Bond) plays a intelligent and successful drug dealer among England's elite criminals. Longing to leave the illegal trade business behind, Craig must undergo one final job-to-end-all-jobs involving the disappearance of a rich man's daughter, brutal gun-toting thugs, and a crapload of purloined ecstasy. In order to make it out of the game alive, Craig must use his cunning savvy and charisma to elude everyone (never really knowing who's on his side or not). With tons of plot twists and intertwined characters, the film's title of "Layer Cake" is a metaphoric description of the dealer's many layers he must uncover to find the truth...and ultimately his escape. It's really well crafted, and a nice touch how you never get to know the main character's name, credited only as XXXX. Also, a nice turn as a baddie by "Harry Potter's" Michael Gambon (Dumbledore). I really liked the flashy layered special effects, reminiscent of Fincher's "Fight Club," replacing the pugilistic world with a narcotic one. It keeps you guessing, and will mess with you even more if you watch the deleted scenes and alternate endings.
5 out of 5 stars
At 2:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey there. I happened across your blog at random, I think, and read your review of Layer Cake. I enjoyed Snatch, so I took a chance renting this one. Glad I did. Just wanted to let you know that someone "out there" checks back for new recommendations, and that I liked it, too.
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