07/11/06 Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

watched w/ Leslie; theater (Starlite Drive-In, Durham, NC)
What better way to take in a lazy summer evening than driving on down to the drive-in movie theater and taking in one of the summer's biggest & most anticipated blockbusters? Well, aside from the annoying brats climbing over the cars & throwing frisbees, the slackness of the projectionist from starting it on time, and the lack of intimacy that automobile bucket seats have...there is no better thing! How can you not have loved the first big-budget extravaganza that was "Pirates," based on the famed Disney attraction? I admit, I don't usually buy into that typical endeavor, but like its predecessor...this one rocked! Pirates are back in vogue once again (were rotten teeth and syphilis ever in style?) thanks to this franchise, helmed by accomplished director Verbinski and my all-time favorite leading male thespian...Mr. Depp. Yes, you all should know about my man-crush on him (and if you look into Jason's side bet for me in this Challenge, I could win a T-shirt that says so), because I feel that he consistently delivers a strange and unique performance...always choosing challenging roles. That right there earns the film 5 stars, based on his anti-heroic Keith Richards-esque ramblings as Captain Jack Sparrow. Jump aboard this swashbuckling adventure as Jack tries to settle a blood debt with the ghostly Davey Jones (Bill Nighy) and his haunted ship, while trying to constantly save his own hide and locate the infamous buried chest. Along for the ride again are the starstruck couple of Will (Orlando Bloom) and Elizabeth (Keira Knightley) who are in peril at every turn towards salvaging a magical compass, the lost chest, and their own marriage in the process. All the special effects galore bring wonder to the cast of side characters, sea creatures and ship battles. This kind of film has it all, for the whole family to enjoy. So bring the station wagon on down and get set for swashbuckling sword fights...and to the chucklehead in the front row who doesn't get the fact that headlights & movie screens don't mix...neither does inbreeding. By the way land-lubbers...this be me 200th flick me witnessed with me own eyes this here Challenge.
5 out of 5 stars
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