07/26/06 X-Men: The Last Stand

watched w/ Leslie, Janine & Z; theater (Blue Ridge Cinema, Raleigh, NC)
As soon as we learned that this third installment in the X-Men franchise had made it to the dollar theater, we rushed to see it. One problem, in order for me to catch the "opening weekend" show tonight, I had to hurry over to meet everyone after a early evening work meeting at the office. Yes, even with packed parking lots I made it into the theater to witness the opening scenes looking back at Jean Grey's childhood where Professor Xavier has come to help her and co-creator Stan Lee has a cameo as a neighbor. Soon after that flash to the past, we are introduced to the modern day where once again, peace and tranquility amongst normal humans and mutants is threatened by a scientific serum for genetic mutation. The serum is introduced as a "cure" to treat the affliction of mutants, while most do not wish to be cured and feel it as a threat to their very existence and acceptance in society. Of course, the bad guys love the idea of getting their hands on the potion, as well as the top secret source of its "healing" powers in the young lab rat boy Jimmy (who happens to possess the ability to blanket any other mutants special powers and render them useless). Battle lines are drawn over the purpose for this science, and society is thrown into upheaveal over the inclusion of the mutant race into their own. All the regular band of characters are here, with all the awesome X-Men you remember from the comic books...Professor X, Wolverine, Storm, Magneto, Jean Grey/Phoenix, Cyclops, Rogue, Mystique, Pyro, Iceman, and Colossus...while introducing even more with Beast, Angel, Juggernaut, Quill, Jubilee, and Multiple Man. It may seem like a comic book convention overload, but it's fun to see so many imagined creations to jump off the pages and onto the big screen with all the special effects bonanza to boot. Who will win the race war? Will good prevail over evil? Will the X-Men realize their control over their own powers before it's too late? And what's more...which character will spin off the first sequel after this "last" chapter in the X-Men trilogy?
3 out of 5 stars
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