08/04/06 The Family Stone

watched w/ Leslie; DVD rental (Blockbuster) @ home & car ride (Raleigh, NC)
Here's one that I should have known better about...but alas, was drawn into that hit-or-miss-terribly section of romantic comedy in the video store. I definitely didn't expect much from this ensemble American-slice-of-family-life trip, but I thought that some of the cast would shine through with winning performances (namely Diane Keaton, Luke Wilson, and Rachel McAdams)...and knew that others would be well, um less convincing (namely Sarah Jessica Parker, Dermot Mulroney, and Claire Danes). So, it was middle of the emotional road for me. An overused family dramedy plot of bringing ever home together for the holidays, and toss in some new girlfriend/boyfriend who doesn't quite fit in, nor will anyone in the family let them...so that hi-jinks/hurt feelings ensue, only to be brought screeching back to reality by some brooding drama that makes the family unit tighter, accepts the outsider, and soldier on through adversity. Did I cover it all? Don't get me wrong, there were some very touching moments...the most for me being where mother Keaton and father Craig T. Nelson share a bittersweet romantic gesture in bed, as she longs for his sexual embrace on her chest that has been marred by mastectomy. That was hard, but sweet at the same time. It's the surrounding squabbles and relationship love triangles that get frustrating. Brother brings home uptight city chick to dysfunctional 'burbs, he plans to pop the question...but upon her receiving a chilly reception from the brood, she hates it there, doesn't fit in, falls for the other brother (while first brother falls for soon-to-be-fiance's sister). Ummm, older sister's kid is annoying, younger sister's barbs are hurtful, other brother is gay but the family is accepting (and boy do the newcomer's dinner conversations become awkward)...he's also deaf so people like to sign everywhere they go, and people get drunk in the snow, wreck cars in front lawns and end up with the ambulance driver. Sure, works for me...but not really. Funny & poignant moments too few & far between, with too much emphasis on being dumb. Oh yeah, and the DVD was scratched & we had to ride in the car to take it back, finish watching it before we ran out of time in the wee evening hours (wasn't worth it). Hell, that crazy sub-plot could have made its way into the film too.
2 out of 5 stars
At 8:51 AM,
Undead Film Critic said…
My biggest complaint about this movie is that it wasn't about SLY AND THE FAMILY STONE.
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