10/14/06 The Postman Always Rings Twice

watched solo; DVD rental (Netflix) @ home
Considering I don't get around to reading many novels (how can I when I have an entire year's worth of films to get under my belt before 2006 ends?!) of late, this one had to be fit into the Challenge. Yes, I did actually read the novel first, in order to better center my understanding of the film, and be one of those snobs who can point out the discrepancies between the two. However, I didn't watch the earlier 1946 film, which could have proven to be even more of an in-depth dissertation on the subject...I went straight to the 80's version I had heard more naughty buzz about. Reason being, it stars the enigmatic lead man of Jack Nicholson as Frank, and the sometimes-I-can-be-steamy-sexy-for-an-older-looking-lady in the right role Jessica Lange as Cora. If you are not familiar with the novel (you pathetic losers), it involves sexual tensions, broken dreams and murder mysteries. Frank is a shady drifter who happens into a rural diner one night for a meal. Unable to pay, and after chatting up the owner Nick & eyeing his seductive wife Cora, Frank enlists with a job as gas station attendant at the diner to earn his keep. Once in this situation, it is clear that Frank & Cora have the hots for each other, which boils over in steamy altercations between the two, and unbeknownst to husband Nick. The two then plot to kill Nick for all of the insurance money and reason to start a new life for each other far away. That's where it gets very very complicated. Lies, cheating, and stealing leads to only heartache and death. Yes, the ending is very different than in the book, but what kind of Hollywood movie would it be otherwise!? They can't stick to an original idea, considering they can't ever create one either...why not throw in some of their own flair over an already great premise? Anyway, it is steamy and rough around the edges, but I much prefer the book. You knew I had to say it.
3 out of 5 stars
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