Brad's Movie Challenge

Starting 01/01/06, Brad is going to watch one movie, everyday, for 365 days. This site will serve to document all rules & exclusions of the "Challenge" as well as keeping track of Brad's progress.


03/14/06 Okie Noodling

Okie Noodling (2001), directed by Bradley Beesley

watched w/ Leslie; DVD (borrowed from Joe) @ home

Right off the bat, I know this film is too short to count for the Challenge, but it should still clock in for minutes watched, etc. I have to comment on this film, because it came highly recommended for a good time (not scribbled on any bathroom stall mind you). This documentary delves into the subculture of rural Oklahoma (one of only four states that "noodling" is legal in) and its unusual love for a long-lost sport of "noodling." If your not hip to the game, it basically consists of grown men (who in turn pass the tradition on to their offspring) sticking their hands into rivers & lakes to catch big ol' ugly catfish with their bare hands. And this practice is actual not legal in the other 46 states believe it or not. Harking back to a Native American hunting traditions, this sport has grown into a veritable cult phenomenon. The film follows some of the local eccentric heroes of noodling, their trials & tribulations, and finally into the first ever competitive tournament of its kind. It's really fascinating, like some wild nature show or Crocodile Hunter adventure, to watch how serious these men take to the murky waters. It's a redneck battle of man vs. beast in epic proportions. Mullets, trucks, southern accents, and frayed short jean shorts. All the makings of an instant cult classic, or at least a soon-to-be-seen channel on your local cable network.

4 out of 5 stars


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