03/17/06 The Secret Of Roan Inish

watched w/ Leslie (partially); DVD rental (Netflix) @ home
Winner of the St. Patrick's Day poll, we watched this strangely beautiful fairy tale of a small fishing village in Ireland that holds a secret. The secret begins to unfold when a young girl Fiona (who totally reminds me of both my little sisters when they were young), comes to town to live with her grandparents. Her younger brother's cradle was washed out to sea years earlier, and upon learning of mythical selkies (a seal who sheds its skin to become human) she believes her kin to be a part of their world. Gathering the creepy stories of magical happenings and the arrival of "the dark ones" to their village, young Fiona explores the mystery and her curiosity in earnest. This seems a rare family-oriented tale from lauded filmmaker Sayles, who usually tackles more adult & controversial subject matter. Gorgeously shot upon the rolling hills and islands of rural Ireland, this wondrous tale further proves to me why I want to travel to Ireland (my ancestors' homeland). It also goes to show what drinking all day in a pub can do for storytelling. Please check the credits for a few cast members with my last name (you know it), one cameo as Bar Patron #1. Aside from all my pale brethren, maybe now I can see if my family derives from seals. Gives a whole new meaning to a family seal, eh? I think I'll stick with a family crest...maybe it's a symbol of how my people came from toothpaste tubes...we are pasty white after all. Here's to a Happy St. Patty's day to one and all! Now, off to a pub to get my drinking on.
3 out of 5 stars
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