Brad's Movie Challenge

Starting 01/01/06, Brad is going to watch one movie, everyday, for 365 days. This site will serve to document all rules & exclusions of the "Challenge" as well as keeping track of Brad's progress.


04/18/06 Fairy Tales

Fairy Tales (1979), directed by Harry Hurwitz

watched w/ Leslie; DVD rental (Netflix) @ home

If you were to go off of the movie picture, and brief description (as I did) of this particularly campy flick you may be lead to believe that this is an "erotic fantasy musical," or a "naughty sex romp," or even a "memorable sex farce." Don't believe the hype...this is basically just a farce, that is at times a musical, and at times a romp, but almost never sexy. Honestly, if you think about it...they're taking all of our beloved fairy tales of our childhood (Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Jack & Jill, Old King Cole, Little Bo Peep, etc.) and turning them into the height of lubidinous adulthood. All this potential for a soft-core porn comedy all goes down the drain, considering two principal facts of this genre...actors that are untalented, and nudity just for the sake of it. They didn't even try to be either funny or sexy, so we just got very bored and tired watching. So, the virgin Prince who has never shown interest in any female advances, is told on his 21st birthday that he basically has to get laid or he will lose his rightful crown. Off he goes on a fantastical adventure...oh wait, I don't care. Not worth your time, not worth ruining all your classic childhood stories. One lovely side-note...Little Bo Peep in the film, none other than "Boom Boom" Bangs in "H.O.T.S." seen earlier this year in the Challenge. She sure likes to do crappy films and show her cash & prizes. Isn't she on "Girls Gone Wild In Candyland?"

1 out of 5 stars


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