08/31/06 Titanic [1997]

watched w/ Leslie; digital camera film @ home; suggested by Jason
OK, I thought that I would be totally sneaky on this one. By now, our avid Challenge fans should know that Jason had challenged me to a special Side Bet for the entire month of August. If you didn't know, this might now explain the recent choices in absolutely horrid pictures, or aberrant Japenese & European films...all leading up to this one notorious title. Yes, Jason used my own words against me in trying to make me commit an ultimate sin (and watch a movie which I have adamantly refused to ever watch based solely on a personal choice & hatred of an internationally popular film). He thought he would get away with this crime, type up a clever "Saw" inspired game of warfare, offer a tempting prize, and have me right where he wanted me. Knowing his tactics of coy ruse (hey, I haven't been his friend for nearly 15 years for nothing), and him knowing my likely response...I thought I would be clever in witty retort by throwing another curveball. If you look closely at the Side Bet page you will notice the fact that he listed the 13 movies, with descriptions and years for all but the last one..."Titanic (1997)." He's sure he meant the unforgettable modern hit by James Cameron starring Leo & Kate & that God-awful Celine Dion shite song. Since there was no description, I wasn't clear on the film in question...so I researched and found a title "Titanic" of the same year, filmed as an Discovery Channel documentary, and with the subtitle of "Anatomy Of A Disaster." Look it up if you don't believe me. My ruse would have worked...had I been able to procure a copy of it in time for the bet. Alas, after calling every damn listing in the phone book, searching online and in stores...I was left disappointed. I'm sure I could have ordered a long time back...but it was crunch time. With the day dwindling down, my lovely Leslie came to the rescue. With my digital camera in tow, she produced a 1 minute short film entitled "Titanic (1997)" (as per the bet's rules)...involving the best rendition of a tried story I have ever seen. Stick figures, flip-book animation, and a real life ice cube serving as the iceberg. It was brilliant...fit the rules...and I watched full-length films during the day to stay on track. It wasn't my first solution to the problem...but I'm a man of my word, and did not want to buckle in will under pressure. Read it and weep...I'll leave the judging up to interpretation...but I did do as was asked. 'Nuff said.
5 out of 5 stars
At 7:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
whatever, I didn't fail.
You're just mad that I found a loophole, and you didn't clarify enough. We know the ship sinks...get over it.
At 10:15 PM,
Undead Film Critic said…
Honestly, I'm not mad. I'm disappointed. Your smarter than this.
If you didn't want to watch the movie then fine. But this flimsy attempt at bending the bet was... Well....A let down.
Having Leslie pull something out of her ass at the last moment, thinking that you're pulling a fast one was misguided. You watched every other movie of the side bet (even the dumb shitty ones you knew would suck) based on the information provided. Film title and year it was made. For 12 of the 13 tiles this was clear. You obviously understood which titles I was referring to.
If you had gotten the documentary you mentioned and watched that, you would have won. I didn't even know about that one. That would have been clever. This was, not so much.
I'm not lying when I say I feel a little...Disappointed. I really think at the end of the day you would have agreed with me about the film. It's too long but the last hour is an amazing piece of work. And Leo dies, so it almost makes the rest of the film worth watching.
So far thought you have done great work on the Challenge itself. We are all proud.
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