09/12/06 Challenge Of The Tiger

watched w/ Leslie & Jason (partially); DVD (borrowed from Jason)
How can I follow up something so poignant and powerful as yesterday's movie with something so stupid and trite as this wacky flick?! Such is the beauty of the Challenge Of Brad (as I would call it for this titular review's purpose)...and I cannot fight the powers that be by questioning their motives or methods. There must be a method to this madness...or else, I shall enjoy it along the way. And, letting myself be open to a silly martial arts film brought to us by a martial arts rip-off named Bruce Le (conveniently enough he lost the extra "e" so no one would be the wiser). Where can I begin with this one...and can I even remember what the plot was about?! Bruce Le and his Magnum P.I.'d moutached buddy Cannon are top CIA agents hell bent on retrieving a secret sterilization potion, that if fallen into the wrong hands (zoinks, it just might!) can be devastating to humanity as we know it. So might this movie's ridiculousness though. Cannon does naughty Maria (actually the real-life naught Nadiuska, a late 70's soft-core queen from Italy and Spain), but not before she can pawn the formula off to her bad guy boss. You can guess what hewants to do with it...rule the world...and that's exactly what Le and Cannon want to stop from happening. To be honest with you, it doesn't matter what the two sides are fighting for in the film, as the acting is bad, the hairstyles are over-the-top with hairspray, and the main feautre is naked chicks playing tennis. Yes, it's hard to keep your eye on the ball during this Wimbledon match...and it's not as if the dubbing ever matches the ball bouncing anyway. What more is there to say about this wonderful trip down USA "Up All Night" lane? Oh, according to imdb.com, there are a few cameos that go unmentioned and uncredited in the film's long list of qualified talent...those names of the well-known Jack Klugman (from TV's "Odd Couple" fame) and Jane Seymour (of TV's "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" notoriety). I wonder why neither of these two ever wanted their names attached to this...or is it all a lie to sell more movies off of bargain bin shelves like the weak attempt at stealing a martial arts icon name like Bruce Le?!?! Whatever their excuses, whatever drugs you have to take to enjoy this...please do, because I'm about to go see a raucous & rowdy psycho-billy rock show with Reverend Horton Heat and Horrorpops (Danish, but so what) tonight...so this off-the-wall action comedy seems to fit in nicely. None of this makes sense, not even my rating of the film...but did I mention the naked tennis playing?
3 out of 5 stars
At 7:40 PM,
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