09/03/06 You, Me And Dupree

watched w/ Leslie, Eric, Nick, Mike A., Tom & Shelby; theater (Blue Ridge Cinema, Raleigh, NC)
When trying to pick a frivolous comedy number at the $1 movie theater amongst a large pack of friends...it is best to try and aim for something universally laughable. Granted, your best guess as to what a Hollywood comedy is these days is based solely on bits & pieces of the best parts in television commercials...which draw you into a world of false comic security, where you hope to have a splendid time with the flick...only to be let down horribly by the utter crap that fills the remaining parts of the film. Then again, sometimes you come across one that doesn't try to be too serious in any way, stick to formulaic routines and quirky lead comedic actors...and it still works in a light-hearted affair that pleases everyone involved. Long story short...I found the film funny and enjoyable, albeit with little surprises or intellectual stimulation. Owen Wilson and Matt Dillon work great as comedic actors playing off of each other for emotional support...and Kate Hudson can be talented, but is here nothing but eye candy (in short shorts to boot). Wilson plays Dupree to Dillon's Carl, best buds who are forced into an awkward living arrangement upon Carl's newlywed pad. Dupree is the consummate slacker and dreamer who wears his heart on his sleeve...as best friend Carl is a pent-up passive-agressive pushover to his new wife's father (and boss) Michael Douglas. When Dupree is left with no place to call home, Carl takes him in to sleep on his couch...and that's where things get weird. Moose heads, beer drinking, skateboarding, thong-wearing, fire and sex toys, Lance Armstrong and his one testicle, and moral high road lessons. Oh it runs the gamut. Will Dupree make things right? Will Carl lose his mind and his job? Will someone please keep the thongs off of Owen Wilson and back onto Kate Hudson?! It was a silly jaunt into a dollar movie theater that was enjoyed by all (some for their second time). And it was this support group that I came to the end decision of watching two movies today. You see, we walked into the theater (which was packed with a very long line to get in) a few minutes into the feature...alas, this is a technicality that I could not in good conscience let pass, although some thought that I had not missed anything important. As the moral high road lessons taught me in "Me, You And Dupree," I felt it my obligation to set things right. Thus brought me home, and to my second comedy of the evening...
3 out of 5 stars
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