09/01/06 Click

watched w/ Leslie; theater (Blue Ridge Cinema, Raleigh, NC)
It is well documented that Adam Sandler is box-office gold. It doesn't mean that he is the biggest name in showbiz, or the moust suave & handsome leading man, or even the most talented comedian on the planet. With a team of mostly his close buddies, Sandler seems to belt out hit after hit with every sophomoric comedy effort he puts forth. And don't get me wrong, this kind of comedy is right up my alley. It doesn't always require a lot of thinking, maintains a good level of humor and wit, has the same ol' routines spiced with fresh interjections of new ones. Our title here is yet another example of a solid comedy movie that can be enjoyed my a widespread audience. Sandler plays the lead as workaholic architect Michael, who usually neglects his loving family in pursuit of his career and paying the bills. What he has at home is awesome, but his focus on his job keeps him from appreciating just that. His hot wife Donna (Kate Beckinsale in skimpy short pajama shorts mostly), cute kids, and adoring parents (grandpa played by Sandler comedy vet Henry Winkler...aka The Fonz) all love Michael, but continually remind him of his lack of commitment to life responsibilities. With his frustrations over life, and his broken TV remote...Michael heads one night out to buy a new one. He heads to Bed Bath & Beyond (product placement anyone), travels into the depths of Beyond where he finds Morty (always hilarious Christopher Walken)...an eccentric scientist who works in the back of the warehouse and introduces him to a special product. Hence the premise of our show...a universal remote control that will not only work electronics but allow him a technological control over his entire life. At first freaked out, then turned on by the novelty of it, Michael has a field day playing against the forces of nature. He begins to skip arguments with the wife, be in many places at once, punch out his jerk boss (David Hasselhoff), see his past & future, and eventually regret that he has let his life run on "auto-pilot." And what have we learned from messing with time and universal laws from such comedies as "Back To The Future" or "Bruce Almighty?"...don't do it! Not worth it! You could lose your job, your house, your loved ones, your virginity, your car keys, your entire life in an instant...no fun at all. Well, some while it was happening, but with harsh consequences afterwards. Sandler's talent keeps the film light-hearted and funny, but with enough moral messages to have some substance. What you see is what you get. And if you look close, you can see Sandler compadre Rob Schneider (you can do eeeet!) as Prince Habeeboo.
3 out of 5 stars
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