03/19/06 V For Vendetta

watched w/ Leslie; theater (Mission Valley Cinema; Raleigh, NC)
Finally, a movie that not only lives up to its own hype, but continues to mesmerize beyond the trailers and promos throughout the entire film. With a gluttony of graphic novels becoming cartoonish films, this one stands above them with a pertinent historical message. Basically, if we cannot learn from our past, we shall be condemned to repeat it (a quote I'm sure, but from who I don't know). Based on the Alan Moore story, but owing mostly to the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605 in which a group of conspirators attempted to blow up Parliament, leaving Guy Fawkes to be the fall guy (a fascinating bit of history...please check it out www.guy-fawkes.com). However, back to the film...set in future London, where government has turned to a totalitarian state, striking fear into society of anything strange or different. Fed the everyday lies for too long, and surviving a horrible medical experiment in his youth, a vigilante fighter "V" (who fancies speaking in alliteration & collecting banned pieces of art while wearing a Guy Fawkes' mask) calls on all to stand up against their native oppressors. Employing the unlikely, and at first unwilling, help of young Evey (Natalie Portman, even hot bald), V uncovers the truth and readies the nation for a revolt. This one will go down with many of the great futuristic, propaganda-filled, heavily censored tales of revolution, like 1984 or Farenheit 451. Directed by the Wachowski Bros.' protege McTeigue; with visuals & pageantry of violence and revolt, the film will be fantastically burned on your brain. "Remember, remember, the 5th of November. The gunpowder treason and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder treason, should ever be forgot."
5 out of 5 stars
At 7:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
I just saw this movie last night and I really enjoyed it. It kept making me think of the Handmaid's Tale (the book not the movie). I would really like to read the book that this movie is based on. My only question about your review is...don't you think 5 stars is a little excessive? I mean it was a good movie but it was by no means a perfect film. Maybe you should slide one of those extra stars over to Basic Instinct where it belongs...S.o.L.
At 1:46 PM,
Undead Film Critic said…
The book (graphic novel) this is based on is well worth the read. All of Alan Moore's work (From Hell, The Killing Joke, Watchmen) are well worth checking out.
I hope to see this at next years Oscars in the adapted screenplay running. Graphic Novels are really getting noticed in this category. What with Ghost World & A History Of Violence both being recognized.
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