12/03/06 The Librarian: Return To King Solomon's Mines

watched w/ Leslie; television (TNT) @ home
To say that this film was highly anticipated (as most reviews do) is like saying that tooth decay followed by root canal is highly anticipated. Maybe I'm being a bit harsh, because I know that Leslie will say she enjoyed the film tremendously. I'm sure it's everyone's dream to be a hapless career grad student (Noah Wyle, the dude from "ER" who can't cut it in real movies, so he has to stick to the small screen & bad special effects) who applies luckily to become the librarian/curator of a prestigious library/museum that has magical qualities, thanks in large part to old wise bossman Bob Newhart, and finds that he is the "chosen one" to save the world of evil and protect the most priceless artifacts of civilizations past. Uh, yeah, the dude from "ER" you say? Not buying it. Sorry. When you give me the chance to watch any TNT channel movie, brace for the impending doom. It's called the small screen for a reason, but of course...when the original was a sleeper hit, they went all "big-budget" with a sequel...and well, I think they let their fifth-grade computer class work on the fireball explosions and animated in-animate objects. A horribly cheesy knock-off of anything "Harry Potter" crossed with everything "Indiana Jones," and casting any former cast member of any TV medical drama...and you have this magical mystery tour. It's corny, it's hokey, and it's only saving grace is the ever-quirky and quippy Newhart (bless his heart). What's that you say? And this crap doesn't even count for my daily movie? Damn rules.
2 out of 5 stars